Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3 Years!

This post is a day late, but yesterday was my and Max's 3 year wedding anniversary! It's crazy to think it's been that long. This is something I wrote to him:
"I love you. You are the rock in our family, and we aren't the same without you! I am sooo proud of you, and I KNOW that someday, Allie will be just as proud that her daddy is a soldier! You make such huge sacrifices to make sure that our family is taken care of. You work SO hard. A lot of guys could learn from you, my love. Not only in your work ethic, but most definitely in how you treat me! You treat me like every wife should be treated...with respect and love. When I'm down on myself; feel like I need to lose weight; or any insecurity I have, you always know how to make me feel better. You know me better than ANYONE in this world. There are times when I'm so down, and no one can make me feel better, but you. I really hope you realize how much I am totally in love with you. You are an AMAZING husband and father, and I feel EXTREMELY lucky to have you in my life. Lucky to have you as my husband! And Allie is just as lucky to have you as her father. I love you sweetie. You never cease to amaze me."
And this is what he wrote back to me:

"Thank you babe for being such a loving and supportive wife. You say all of these great things about how i treat you, but to be honest, I am just mirroring how you love and treat me each and every day. You are here for me when most other women would find it easier not to... you support my occupation no matter how dangerous it may be, just because you know that in my heart i know that its the right thing for us. I love you and Allie with all of my heart and that will never change. You make me just as proud. You are the strongest woman I know. Keep your chin up and know that you and Allie are all that i need to be happy in this life, and i cant wait to have you both in my arms again."
Here are some of the photos from our wedding ceremony we had in the October after our wedding.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Happy 9 months to Allie! She is growing and growing...getting into EVERYTHING, and crawling! I haven't posted any updated pics of Allie recently, so here they are!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Here are some of the pictures Max has taken. He says Iraq is really gross, and it smells all the time. He says he tries to keep his mind busy, and off of being gone. He has already got to meet Robin Williams and Lance Armstrong!
Max and the guys in his vehicle. Max is the vehicle leader.
 Hard at work!
 He's got a big wad of JERKY in his cheek. haha
On a mission. His eyes are a little irritated being in that climate.
Ready to leave on a mission.
He's so handsome!
This is a 50cal...I think. haha
An Arabic Coke.


I took Allie to see Santa at our mall here. They have the best one; his beard and mustache are all real! She did good. She didn't cry, but she didn't smile either. The picture still turned out good, so I was pleased.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Our camera died a couple months ago, and we finally got a new one! It takes great pictures. So here are some pictures of our beautiful Christmas tree, and the candy train I made last night!

New Blog!

My friend and I have started a blog together. It's a blog that will have crafts and recipes. Follow it!!! The web address for it is:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So, I suppose I should update everyone on what's going on with us!
Allie is almost crawling! I never knew I could feel so proud as I do when my daughter does something new. She also has two little teeth that are just below her gums. These two teeth, will be her first. I can't believe she is almost 9 months old, and just now getting teeth & crawling. I think this is a preview of what is to come. She will be a procrastinator! She will wait til the last minute to do things, just like her father and I. I feel beyond blessed. I say that all the time but it's so true. We are blessed to have such a good baby! I love her to pieces. 
I've been doing okay. It's been so hard to be happy with the holidays being here. I just haven't been in the Christmas spirit this year. I finally put up our Christmas tree last night, though. It's my and Allie's 1 year to decorate girly. All pink and silver! It's beautiful. I would put a picture on here, but every time I take a picture, all you can see is the lights. 
Max is doing well. He's staying busy. We get to talk on skype every day. It's nice! We are lucky we get to talk at all. We couldn't imagine being back in the WW era, when they didn't get to talk at all. They could only write for years! We are grateful.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Family Pictures

Max & Allie

Max and Allie got their own special photo shoot in their matching uniforms! It was so precious. She is such a daddy's girl!

Pictures from Allie's 6 month photo shoot

They are beautiful. Scott always does such a great job!