Saturday, November 12, 2011


It has been way too long since I have blogged. A LOT has happened since my last post.
First, Max came home from Iraq on September 27th!! His first weekend home, we stayed at the CDA Resort again.
We have also moved out of the house we have been in the last few years, and have put an offer on a house that has been accepted! We are now going through the underwriting process. As of right now our closing date is December 2....Max's birthday! We thought it was a good date to pick! So until we close, we are living with Max's sister and her family.
In a few days we are going to be headed of to Jamaica! I can't believe it's finally here. Time has gone fast. We will be gone for a whole week. It will be amazing, but I am not excited to leave Allie for that long! I've never been away from her for more than a night....and I couldn't even make it tht whole night without shedding tears about it. I'm just hopin all the activities we will be doin will keep my mind off of it.
We have also purchased a new addition to our family. A female black lab. We are gonna name her Mia. We can't get her until we move into our new house.
So as you can tell, we have been and will be super busy for a while! Pictures to come of everything!

1 comment:

  1. Your family has so much to look forward to in the next month. I am excited for you :)
