Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Growing up, I had the WORST experiences with my dentist. He would tell me to raise my hand if I felt pain, and when I did, he would tell me to quit being a baby. He never really cared that I was in pain. He was a very old/grumpy man.
So you can now imagine how terrified I am of dentists! That dentist has ruined dentist visits for me. I am terrified! I tell people I would much rather have a baby, than go to a dentist.
Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I went to the dentist. (This is a completely different dentist!)I had a couple small cavities that needed filled. I told him how scared I would be a couple months before when he did the x-rays and was seeing what needed to be done. So he prescribed me a pill that would relax me when I came in for the fillings. I took it an hour before my appointment time. My sister had to take me to my appointment. On the way there, I remember telling her that I didn't feel any different. Well, by the time we got to the dentist, I was definitely feeling it! I felt so relaxed, tired, and just out of it! Then when we got in there, I started to feel giggly. I felt something like what being drunk would be like. My sister said she was so embarrassed because I was talking loudly and laughing. Then a prisoner walks in, and I really couldn't help but giggle. My sister, Rebecca, was hiding behind a magazine with Allie; shaking her head. Finally my name was called, and I go back. I lay in the chair and tell the assistant that I am just scared of needles. So she offered me some nitrous oxide as well. Well the combination of the 2 was making me even more loopy than I was! But I tell ya, I didn't care about the needles & drills in my mouth! I don't remember everything I had said, but I do remember the dentist and his assistant laughing the whole time.
Needless to say, the whole experience was pleasant for me. There was no fear and no pain! My new dentist is awesome!

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